About the Daimler SP250 Club of New Zealand

The Daimler SP250 Club of New Zealand is the world’s premier independent club devoted exclusively to the Daimler Dart.

Our membership spans the world and our members knowledge and passion have been keeping these cars alive for over 40 years.


The Daimler SP250 Club of New Zealand is run by a small committee of SP250 enthusiasts based in Auckland, New Zealand. We have members throughout New Zealand, Australia, USA, Europe & the Middle East.

From a total production of only 2648 cars, about 70 made it to NZ. This relative rarity stimulated a hunger for contact amongst SP250 owners which led to the club’s formation in 1970.

The club has attracted most SP250 owners in NZ as members, and due to interest in Dart Talk, our regular newsletter, also attracts owners from around the world. The Daimler SP250 Club of New Zealand was the first car club to focus exclusively on this single model.

We aim to stimulate interest in the Dart and to encourage owners to join our unique club and to start receiving the benefits of Dart Talk, our excellent bi-monthly magazine.

Membership is made up of current and past owners as well as other SP250 enthusiasts. Most have broad motoring interests.

Wherever you are in the world, we would love to have you as a member of our exclusive club. To join, fill out our membership application form.


Our most common type of club trip is a half-day cafe run. These events have proven very popular, with club members enjoying the many wonderful cafes in and around Auckland.

We occasionally hold weekend trips and other longer trips, such as Diane Humphreys' 'Top to Toe Tour' - a wonderful roadtrip spanning the length of New Zealand. From Cape Reinga at the top of the North Island all the way down to Bluff at the bottom of the South Island, this event is for members who really want to drive their cars!

We also attend some car shows as a club, such as the Ellerslie Car Show & Concours D'elegance as well as the Brit and Euro car show in Howick.

All of our events offer opportunities to socialise, swap stories and cast a careful eye over other members' cars.

Check out some of our previous events in the gallery page.

Club History

The club was founded in 1970 by Peter Altmann who was (and still is) a madly enthusiastic SP250 owner. Way back then he could see the mutually beneficial merits of tapping into the resources of other owners and in creating for them a medium for information exchange. After a year of collecting names and with the help of some creative publicity the first meeting with 14 owners was shown on national television and the club was born. In 1970 there were virtually no other one-marque clubs and this was the first in the world dedicated exclusively to Daimler SP250s.

The club is keeping alive the spirit of this initial enthusiasm. The club has enjoyed a long history and is now seeing the first second-generation members (and committee members) coming through.

Club Magazine - Dart Talk

The club’s magazine Dart Talk has been in production for over 40 years. Editor, Keith Humphreys, is a Daimler SP250 world authority and historian.

Dart Talk contains useful articles, technical information, For Sale notices, photos and historical and current news about members’ cars.

Articles from owners are always welcomed for Dart Talk. Send us your stories, photos and technical tips for inclusion in the magazine, via our contact page.


Overseas members are always be made very welcome when they visit our shores, Kiwi hospitality is sincere and warm. So contact us to let us know you will be visiting.

Daimler SP250 Club of New Zealand Committee

Contact details are on our contact page

Club President

Club Secretary

Peter Altmann

Peter Altmann was the brain behind the club's conception. Peter is still an active member today, with an SP250 in his shed awaiting some love.

Club Treasurer

John Davies

John is a relatively new member of the club, with an SP250 project that, once completed, will be sure to impress. John is also the club's go-to for shipping cars to and from England.

Club Editor

Keith Humphreys

Keith is a veritable fount of knowledge on the Daimler SP250. Keith is a long-time member of the club and owns an SP250 that has probably traveled more distance than any other club member's car.

Events Coordinator

Diane Humphreys

Diane, Keith's Wife, is another long-term club member. Diane organises most of our club trips and is very good at what she does - which includes finding wonderful cafes to visit.

Techno Wizz

Stephen Carr

Stephen has been involved in the club for a long time and has always been a great source of technical knowledge. If you have an issue with your car, chances are Steve can help.


Andy Leach
Neville Williams

Andy and Neville both sit on the committee and contribute towards the running of the club.

Join our club to gain access to exclusive knowledge, content and more

Fill out our membership form